THIS JULY'S BEEN pretty sweet, and we've got the IG pics to prove some of the cool so far! Celebrating, hanging out, and just having fun are all in a summer's awesome, too, was that sick shout-out we got from from one of our all-time fave A&F Model alumni,
Justin Hopwood! #PERFECTION
Check out the best of
@thesitchonfitch on Instagram so far this month, and go follow #THEHOTTESTBLOG, if you have not already, for some more #ABERCROMBIEHOT on your IG feed...
Click to view in overlay gallery!
"'Tell me I'm your #NationalAnthem...'
Happy #FourthofJuly from #THEHOTTESTBLOG!" | Image, C.E.R.
4 J U L Y 2 0 1 4 |
"#Modern, clean, and inspirational, full-color #photography returns,
but in advanced 2014 contemporary form, adding a further visual presentation dimension
to #Abercrombie & Fitch stores." | Image, Will B.
7 J U L Y 2 0 1 4 |
"Loving the all-new A&F Men's Wrapped Woven Bracelet feat. fine #leather detail
and that #beautiful, beautiful #metal clasp. Seen here in gray and burgundy;
also available in gray and navy, red and navy, and blue and green," | Image, C.E.R.
1 1 J U L Y 2 0 1 4 |
"Destination: Poolside fun in classic style!
Happy summer weekend!" | Image, C.E.R.
1 2 J U L Y 2 0 1 4 |
"This night fate wrote for German celebration! Germany, you are #FIERCE!
Congrats to our German friends for their glorious win of the
2014 FIFA World Cup!!!" | Image, C.E.R.
1 3 J U L Y 2 0 1 4 |
"So today is #BastilleDay in #France. That means #French #kisses all around right?
...Parlez-vous #Abercrombie? Oui? D'accord! ;)" | Image, C.E.R.
1 4 J U L Y 2 0 1 4 |
"MIKE THE MAN! Happy birthday to the #revolutionary,
#genius icon and who's united us all, in our community, under the brilliance of his great,
#visionary mind. Without him, we would have nothing of the #exceptional concepts that
inspire us passionately and of the amazing people we've met along the way...
1 5 J U L Y 2 0 1 4 |
"#TBT to the launch - exactly four years ago today - of the grand and unforgettable
'A&F Screen Test' Back-to-School/Fall 2010 campaign! Focal to it was the magnificent
2010 return of the A&F Quarterly with the 'Screen Test' edition which tied together all elements
of the season (#nudity included throughout!). Leading model was our favorite boy, @justinhopwood_,
for whom this was his first major, international #fashion campaign and went on to amazing things
(e.g., a current main face at @ralphlauren since that year)! Lead female model #CamilleRowe, too,
has skyrocketed since and even locked lips with #RobertPattinson for the new @dior Homme
campaign. A&F Screen Test was romantically 'the flint to spark a trip to the stars'...
#LoveScreenTestForever" | Image, C.E.R.
1 7 J U L Y 2 0 1 4
"Thanks for the kind words a lot of memories right there!" |
"Every #birthdayboy needs his entourage, and these Ivy Leaguers
definitely got game for a good time out! But which bud’s gonna be the wingman
helping score hotties? #HappyBirthday, C.E.R. (TSOF founder), and may you never remember tonight!
'Uncompromising in quality with an #athletic #masculine edge, the 1892 collection
is inspired by the #rugged, #collegiate atmosphere that charges
through competitive #IvyLeague #sports.' "
1 8 J U L Y 2 0 1 4 |
...Stay FIERCE!