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Diego all smiles as part of A&F The Making of a Star! | (image source) |
In case you happened to miss the S.M. event (and if your level of Spanish fails you), #THEHOTTESTBLOG has everything archived chronologically for you and also provides exclusive fluent translation for when the convo turned to Éspanol! Check it out...
A&F Ready, set, go! Our live Twitter Q&A with @DiegoBoneta is officially on! Tweet your questions with hashtag #AskDiego ! [2:00PM (EST; UTC +5)]
Q #ASKDIEGO what was the craziest thing a fan has ever done for you? – @alinegeralducci
A @alinegeralducci flying from mexico city to rio just to hang and take a picture with me. i actually invited her on set for my movie Pele
Q @Abercrombie @DiegoBoneta How did you feel when you were invited to be a part of the Abercrombie campaign? #AskDiego – @dieguinhasbr
A @dieguinhasbr it was very flattering! and such an amazing opportunity to a part of such an iconic and timeless campaign!
Q @DiegoBoneta Cuándo lanzarás tu tercer disco?? #ASKDIEGO @Abercrombie / When will you launch your third album – @HumbertoCarpioD
A @HumbertoCarpioD Estoy trabajando en el tercer disco ahora buscando canciones!! Espero tener algo para finales de anio! Besos / I'm working on the third album right now looking for songs!! Hope to have something by the end of year! Kisses
Q @Abercrombie @DiegoBoneta do you feel like you are a role model for all the latinos who want to make their dreams come true? #AskDiego
A hola @MaferGOficial ! it's very humbling to be seen as a role model...i'm just a very passionate guy who works hard and loves what he does!
Q "@dieguinhasbr @Abercrombie @DiegoBoneta Can you tell us one dream you still want to accomplish? #AskDiego" – @ay_carmen
A @ay_carmen oi Brasil!! working with @scorsesemartin one day would be a dream come true!
Q Qué es lo que más te gusta de tus fans? #AskDiego @DiegoBoneta @Abercrombie ? / What is what you most like about your fans? – @JhoDieguita
A @JhoCorona Que son unas locochonas apasionadas y leales :) / That the're a bunch of epic madheads passionate and loyal :)
Q @Abercrombie @DiegoBoneta if you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would that be? #AskDiego ❤️#ASKDIEGO – @xxxxdebora
A @xxxxdebora barcelona! haha i'm actually headed there in a few days to start filming my new movie SUMMER CAMP @lionsgatemovies
Q #ASKDIEGO @Abercrombie @DiegoBoneta cúal eres tu color predilecta?Besos,@_Rayssa_Maria / What is your favorite color? – @_Rayssa_Maria
A @_Rayssa_Maria rojo! / Red!
Q @DiegoBoneta @Abercrombie #ASKDIEGO favorite sport? – @imtaken
A @imtaken tennis is my favorite sport!
Q @Abercrombie #ASKDIEGO @DiegoBoneta What was your favorite movie? – @harperst12
A @harperst12 gladiator is my favorite movie #maximus
Q @DiegoBoneta #AskDiego @Abercrombie descríbete en una palabra / Describe yourself in one word – @dianavqz99
A @dianavqz99 apasionado! / Passionate!
Q @Abercrombie Worked with Tom Cruise along with many others in ROA, how do you want to work with next? #AskDiego @DiegoBoneta – @melissamtzz
A @melissamtzz i'd love to work with Jennifer Lawrence. I think she's incredibly talented and very cool.
Q @Abercrombie Do you love Debby Ryan? #AskDiego – @DeboralienCansu
A @DeboralienCansu she was great! @DebbyRyan was a lot of fun to hang with
Q Me and @jennnyayala want to know if you have a girlfriend? @Abercrombie #AskDiego – @jackie_kalia
A @jackie_kalia and @jennnyayala yes...you!
Q What do you like to do in your free time? #AskDiego #ASKDIEGO – @mariana_grdc
A @mariana_grdc travel, watch movies, hang out with friends, and sports!
Q @Abercrombie #AskDiego your all-time favorite musician ? – @sprathik0013
A @sprathik0013 my favorite musicians are bono, freddie mercury, sting, and mick jagger #satisfaction
Q My mission is for @DiegoBoneta to notice me and say hi cause he's so amazing! Will it come true ?! #ASKDIEGO @Abercrombie – @harperst12
A @harperst12 hi! besos / Hi! Kisses
Q @Abercrombie @DiegoBoneta What was the best part about filming the Pele Movie? How was it to meet him? #AskDiego – @dieguinhasbr
A @dieguinhasbr - Shooting in Brasil and learning new soccer skills. Meeting Pele was amazing! He's a very humble man and amazing to talk to.
Q @DiegoBoneta @Abercrombie what you like best: singing or acting? choose just one! when returning to the Rio let me know haha #ASKDIEGO – @helenahpinheiro
A @helenahpinheiro i can't pick one! i really love both acting and singing
Q @DiegoBoneta @Abercrombie #AskDiego who is your actual crush? XD – @Patz_DT
A @Patz_DT @AngelAlessandra for sure
Q @Abercrombie #AskDiego Que opinas sobre el cine Mexicano?? / What do you opine over Mexican cinema – @salvador_sanz
A @salvador_sanz - Una de mis metas este anio es debutar en el cine Mexicano. Me encantaria trabajar con Cuaron. #CuaronparaelOscar / One of my goals this year is to debut in Mexican cinema. I would love working with [Alfoso] Cuaron #CuaronForTheOscar | Editor's note: Mexican director Alfonso Cuaron, who directed Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004; a markedly creative and mood turner in the Harry Potter film series and one of the highest positively critiqued films of the franchise), has for months now been held in high acclaim for his visually groundbreaking 3D film, Gravity (watch trailer), currently a contender for an Academy Award for Best Film and Best Director among its epic 10 nominations.
DIEGO It looks like #AskDiego is now trending in the US and Mexico--thank you to all for your support. Mil gracias a todos por su apoyo!!!! BESOS / Thousand thanks to everyone for their support!!!! KISSES
Q "@dieguinhasbr @Abercrombie @DiegoBoneta what's your favorite food? #AskDiego" – @ay_carmen
A @ay_carmen i love tacos and sushi...but not together :)
Q @Abercrombie @DiegoBoneta what movie are you rooting for in the Oscars this year? #AskDiego – @dieguinhasbr
A @dieguinhasbr gravity all the way!!! but i also love @TheWolfofWallSt #Oscars
Q @Abercrombie @DiegoBoneta #AskDiego What´s your favourite place in Mexico? – @magda_pawlak
A @magda_pawlak I love the Riviera Maya and San Miguel de Allende. #VivaMexico
Q What's your favorite song? And do you wear abercrombie's fragrance fierce? :) #AskDiego @Abercrombie – @eevelinaida
A @eevelinaida i can't stop listening to love me again by @JohnNewmanMusic ! and yes i love Fierce!!
Q @DiegoBoneta @Abercrombie #AskDiego favorite actor? – @elifloresa
A @elifloresa my favorite actors are @TomCruise and @RyanGosling Would be amazing to work with Tom again!
Q #AskDiego favorite ice cream? – @_angelicasorren
A @_angelicasorren i love chocolate ice cream...especially #Nutella
Q @Abercrombie #askdiego favorite person in the world? – @salmasisniega
A @salmasisniega my favorite person in the world? my mom!!!
Q @DiegoBoneta #askdiego @Abercrombie What other language would you like to learn? – @Super_Vicky
A @Super_Vicky i speak English, Spanish, and Portuguese but i would love to learn French
Q @Abercrombie Who needs to go to class when you can #AskDiego on twitter! lol @DiegoBoneta – @melissamtzz
DIEGO Thanks to each and everyone of you for joining the #AskDiego @twitter chat You guys are the best! I have the best fans! Thanks @Abercrombie
DIEGO Mil gracias a cada uno de ustds por ser parte del #AskDiego @twitter chat, La pase muy bien con ustedes. Tengo a los mejores fans!! :) Besos / Thousand thanks to each one of you for being a part of the #AskDiego @twitter chat. I spent a great time with you all. I have the best fans!! :) Kisses
A&F Major thanks to A&F Star @DiegoBoneta for an awesome chat today, and to our fans for submitting the best questions! [5:58PM (EST; UTC +5)]
Next up for Twitter Q&As this Spring 2014 with the fans are Debbie Ryan and Steven R. McQueen!
...As always, Stay FIERCE!
Follow @TheSitchonFitch