Audacious and of an enamoring allure, seven young gravitating stars move in dance elements of energy, positivity, fun, and love with a force epic in the free-spirited... #THEHOTTESTBLOG pays focus to these amazing young men and women and it respectfully begins with A&F-alumni Colton Haynes (of Teen Wolf and Arrow fame) of whom you Editor-in-Chief C.E.R. is a diehard fan of. We then proceed first-name alphabetically which incidentally amusingly makes Christa B. Allen and Debbie Ryan immediate followups and who star in another two of some of C.E.R.'s favorite series, Revenge and Jessie, respectively. But go ahead, get to know the stars...
I grew up on a farm in Kansas. I guess you could say I had a 'hick' childhood, but when I go back to visit now, I see how beautiful it was. I come from a traveling family, and I lived with my sister for a time, and also with an uncle. I had a lot of energy when I was young and I think I chose acting because it calmed me down. Because of the shows I've been in, I have a lot of social media follows and I like reaching out to kids who are going through some problems. I also volunteer with the organization Love is Louder, where we talk to kids about bullying.”
Something beautiful happened after I saw my first movie, 'Titanic'. I told my parents I wanted to be an actor and instead of telling their seven year old daughter, “You'll grow out of it,” they listened and let me follow my dream. I try to spend as much time in nature as possible, but filming makes that hard. Once I actually put up a tent in my front yard and camped overnight, just to feel the outdoors again.”
Here's the real me. I love pets and I'm turning into a crazy dog person, and a crazy cat lady. I cuddle with everything but snakes. In School I was Willie the Wildcat, our school mascot, and I once sang 'Bohemian Rhapsody' at the top of my lungs with every other mascot in Texas. When I talk to girls, I tell them things I wish I had known when I was growing up. I say, "Don't worry, the cutest boy in school that you're trippin' on? If it doesn't work out, you'll be fine. Really."”
I was born in Mexico City and I learned to love music through my parents, who followed 80s groups like the Police and U2. My dad is a great tennis player who once played at Wimbledon and when I was eight, I asked him, “Remember how you started taking tennis lessons to become the next Rod Laver? Are there any lessons I can take to become the next Bono?” I studied very hard. I wasn't born with an angelic voice, but I was born with—pardon my French—balls. When I was 15 I moved to California with my family and pursued acting. Now I'm off to Rio to do a film on the soccer legend Pele. What matters most in life is passion, and I've had that forever.”
I've been artistic ever since I was a kid. I sing and dance and act, and even won a singing competition, which was based on American Idol, in my elementary school. I love Beyonce, and I want to be a performer and write music, and show the world what I love to do through music. Now I'm taking up drums. You don't see too many girls on drums, so I'd love to play guitar and then switch instruments and start banging on the drums with my crazy hair flying all over the place.”
When it comes to geography, I've been around. I was born in Montreal and then moved with my family to England where my dad played soccer. We later moved to the beautiful tropical island of Madeira off the coast of Portugal. My dad played soccer there for seven years and I lived this magical childhood of beach and sun. My interest in acting came from the joy I experienced acting for my family. After modeling, I moved to Los Angeles and started acting. What I've learned from acting is that natural ability can only take you so far, and that you need foundation and technique to succeed.”
As a kid growing up in Detroit I longed to be a Superhero. Later on I started watching movies my grandpa (Steve McQueen) did, and I saw what an impact they made on the world. That's when I said, "Hey, I want to do that too." I go to the gym, do some martial arts, and I love poetry. I have a tattoo of my family crest, and another on my back that says 'The Road Not Taken,' which is a poem by Robert Frost. He shows that there are always choices in life, you need to embrace them and maybe even take the path that others don't.”
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