IT HAS BEGUN! The A&F Hot Guys have officially kicked off the countdown week leading up to the upcoming inauguration of A&F Chengdu, the world's first-ever mall-based overseas Abercrombie & Fitch! Only to be evermore amped with epic excitement, super-stoked euphoric fans and totally mesmerized passersby came gathered 'round to simply be part of this unprecedented FIERCE cool taking over Chengdu city! And as if teasing this hot anticipation most palpable, "What's Next" just coolly stamped across the chests of the uber-awesome Fitchmen!
Check out these fantastic sharings, from the associates and fans, from the amazing kickoff day...
"Hanging out with Notorious B.I.G. in Chengdu" | Jimmy, model |
"A wave of models of Abercrombie & Fitch have
come to Chengdu City." | Chengdu IFS |
@Yeungkay930, fan. |
@Yeungkay930 (featured), fan |
@bylison, fan |
@wenchaoer, fan |
@sss_sui (featured), fan |
"AF小鲜肉简直帅哭 大白牙阿大白牙 Guess girls here are all
mesmerized by these two guys" | @kikizoukiki (featured), fan |
"竟然有这样的福利" | @lillianxsy, fan |
"Our Greeters have arrived! Come to the store & hang out with them!
@hollister_chengdu |
"A&F Hot Guys." | @fionaqiqismile (featured), fan |
"去跟风,追帅哥" | @kevinlq67 (featured), fan |
@yooyoyooc, fan |
"The Greeters Are In Town! Are You Ready Chengdu?" | Tina (featured), managers recruiter |
@songhanjing (featured), fan |
"Making a serious face with those smiling hot AF greeters!
Can't wait to the opening on 30th of Aug!" | @daisymaria1102 (featured), fan |
@z.zul, fan |
"Look who came all the way to Chengdu for the
@af_chengdu Opening!" | Chantele (featured), associate |
"First time with the #anf greeters!!!" | @chengy0325 (featured), fan |
Abercrombie & Fitch opens at the Chengdu IFS on Saturday, August 30, 10:00 AM (CST; UTC+8)! The first 200 fans in line get a free 1.7 fl oz bottle of signature
FIERCE cologne!
P.S. Read more of in-detail posts of A&F Chengdu at #THEHOTTESTBLOG (
A&F Chengdu (store #11250, CN-ANF)
Chengdu IFS
No.1 Section 3 Hongxing Road
Chengdu, 51 610021