It's only the hottest destination, #HOLLISTERHOUSE! |
TOTALLY stoked to be sharing with you this fantastic vid that takes you on a full day – yeah,
full day! – of ultimate cool at the Hollister House! Having been shared with us by HCo Bondi Junction (Sydney, Australia) associate Jonathan Chan, the vid provides you with a reality, visitors' perspective of hanging out at the hottest place of the summer...and of all days...MKTO and Cody Simpson jammin' it up, dude! LOVE this vid – totally fun and hilarious, guys! – and invite all to check it out...
Special shout out to Jonathan – you're badass! – and HCo Bondi Junction #31439! Also, shout out to Jimmy – if you were wondering (although pretty sure most of you recognized it),
this is the face he was making, LOL – and Ellen and Taylor and Amy! Make sure to visit the
vid's YouTube page and give it a thumbs up, and check out Jonathan's channel, (