Why the hell? The atmospheric, sensual envelopment – more so at the romantically dark, club-esque A&F Flagships – with blasting tunes and poignant signature scent are hallmarks of an A&F brand instore experience. But as Mike has said over alterations occurring, "[The] customer is changing, and we're ready to change with her and him." And this changing customer has been proving direly elusive in opting for the brighter, softly-soundtracked, clear-aired fash-fashion hubs. Are these and all other new moves throwing out the baby with the bathwater – as Mike once said desparate others partake to doing just to interest all – or not? That's for the devoted patron to decide and for the layman customer to respond to in time.
#THEHOTTESTBLOG correspondent, Patrick M., dropped by A&F London last week...
There will be people who will actually be satisfied with the changes (and is to take the gasmask and blowtorch jokes down a notch). But will the aficionado feel weird and in a "twilight zone" of entering a alternated world? Perhaps not, perhaps so. It's not a dramatic change at all, but it is notable shift in overall atmosphere. And is this just being a repositioning to retail vanilla standardness in neglect and regression of unique retail theater that has made the brands iconic?
And then the Abergod said, "Now, profit, go propagate and make your mark,"...with hope.
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